Legal risk insurance












Business insurance refers to the insurance of entrepreneurial risks associated with entrepreneurial activity. The insured interest of the entrepreneur is to cover the maximum possible number of risks.


Based on existing, unforeseen, probable and predictable negative factors, the following types of business insurance are distinguished:


property insurance - allows you to insure property risks associated with the operation and use of office premises, equipment, furniture, goods in warehouses, as well as in case of their theft, damage or other harmful effects.

Upon the occurrence of an insured event, the insurance company compensates the insured for the damage in full, provided that the sum insured corresponds to the actual value of the insured property.

In the case of "underinsurance" of property, the insurance company is legally entitled to pay only a share of the damage equal to the ratio of the sum insured to the actual value of the property;

civil liability insurance - allows you to insure the liability of the insured for causing harm to third parties when they present claims against the enterprise. It should be noted that the insurance company will fulfill the claim for damages only within the sum insured.

business interruption insurance - allows you to insure losses arising from unscheduled interruptions in production. The amount of damage reimbursed by the insurance company will directly depend on the actual downtime. The insurer may establish a deductible (non-reimbursable part of the loss). In this case, this is the minimum period of interruption in activities. Only after its completion, idle time falls under the insured event.

The insured person may be not only an individual, but also a legal entity. All business risks must be insured in favor of only the insured, and not some other third-party beneficiaries.


The insurance policy was created for responsible entrepreneurs who are focused on growth and development, increasing their business profits and minimizing costs.




Alena Eremina is your insurance consultant in Spain.

Exclusive Sanitas Insurance Agent in Spain - agente exclusivo № 33165.

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  • I recommend 100%! From the first call to receiving the card itself - only positive impressions of cooperation and communication with Alena. At each stage, everything is clear, clear, 100% support and maintenance. Thank you again and good luck!

    • Anna Sviridova
  • I want to thank Alena for the most detailed information about insurance, it was unrealistic to figure it out on our own! She explained everything clearly and understandably, helped to find favorable conditions, accompanied in all matters! The best service we have come across so far! Thanks a lot!

    • Irina Andreevna
  • I turned to Alena the day before yesterday and was very surprised. Exactly in an hour she made me insurance, which was already used yesterday. And the price of insurance is generally a fairy tale. I recommend!

    • Catherine
  • I'm not insured for the first year. A competent insurance specialist, a responsive person, will always tell everything on his fingers how best to do it. Thank you!

    • Anton
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