Pet insurance






New law in Spain for pet owners!







The law protects their rights and well-being and comes into force in October this year.



It OBLIGATORIES owners of all pets to have liability insurance.


If earlier it was a necessity for dangerous animals, then since October it has been for ALL



  Insurance, in addition to the option of civil liability, reimburses veterinary expenses up to 1000 € in case of accidents.



  Also includes:



- Legal assistance


- Financial assistance for the burial of a pet


- Compensation in case of its theft


- Notification in the media about his loss


- In case of death or hospitalization of the owner and family members for more than 1 day, a refund of funds spent on a pet hotel up to 350 € per year



And all this for about 100€ per year.



Do not delay until October, when the law will come into force, but contact us right now.



We guarantee the safety of you and your pet!